It’s getting very close now to the official book launch of Daisie the Dapple Dachshund, and we are beyond excited.

I have been setting up social media accounts and posting some fun Daisie content. Her Instagram account has over 5K followers so far. You can check Daisie out on Instagram @daisie_the_dapple_dachshund

Daisie is taking her new found fame in her stride and enjoying her social media photo shoots, or maybe it’s the very delicious gravy bones she gets for every time I get a good photo.

My promotional copies of the book have arrived and I’ve busy signing copies to give to friends and family. I’m delighted to say that some of the very first copies have went to our local school, Sikeside Primary School, where Daisie and I have been invited for a meet and greet with the children. Keep posted to find out how we get on meeting all the amazing children and teachers at the school.

I’m so looking forward to the journey ahead, what started off as a pipe dream of writing a childrens book during the first lockdown, has turned into a very lovely reality. Daisie has given us joy during the toughest times, and now we hope through the book and meeting people that we can spread the joy a little further. I mean who doesn’t like a cute sausage dog?

Thanks for reading my first blog post, hopefully there will be much more to report back on when the book is launched.

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